Make life better with Multimodal AI.

Multimodal AI combines multiple input sources (text, voice, image, numerical data, etc) and various intelligence algorithms into a single system to solve complicated problems and achieve high performance. These problems often cannot be solved with a single input source or a single processing algorithm.

Introducing Nes AI Lab,
A member of Newsoft Technology Group

NesAI Lab is a Multimodal AI lab investment by Newsoft Technology to simplify the process of applying Multimodal AI technologies in various industries by providing Multimodal AI software packages..

Our mission is to continuously innovate and develop cutting-edge technologies to consult and produce AI-powered solutions for both domestic and overseas enterprises.


NesAILab technologies to realize Multimodal AI

Computer Vision Technologies

Object recognition, semantic segmentation, face recognition, gender/age recognition, OCR (optical character recognition), image search/retrieval, predictive analytics based on image.

Natural Language Processing Technologies

Tokenization, POS tagging, keyword extraction, synonym/antonym detection, information extraction, relation extraction, semantic search, natural language understanding.

Speech Processing Technologies

Language model extraction from Web text, acoustic model creation, hot word/trigger word detection, noise cancellation, ...

Data Mining Technologies

Big Data processing, KPI prediction, predictive analytics based on Big Data, recomendation algorithms, data generation for machine learning.

Our products

We provide end-to-end Multimodal AI integrated solutions across a wide range of industries such as Healthcare, Hospitality, Transportation, etc. In addition to developing AI-powered products, we provide consulting services to enable companies to understand, evaluate and adopt Artificial Intelligence.

  • All
  • Computer Vision
  • Image Processing
  • Language Processing
  • Cloud
  • Big data
AI World
Mobile AI Friend bot platform
Document Scan
Mobile Smart Document Scan
AI Photo Lab
Remove Object, Clear background
Smart QR
Smart QR Scan by Translate support

Our End-to-End AI Services

We provide end-to-end Multimodal AI integrated solutions across a wide range of industries such as Healthcare, Hospitality, Transportation, etc. In addition to developing AI-powered products, we provide consulting services to enable companies to understand, evaluate and adopt Artificial Intelligence. With a team of dedicated and leading AI experts, we have assisted numerous enterprises to achieve breakthroughs in their development journey.

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